Please join us in celebrating a career
Please help us recognize Timothy M. Block, PhD. After almost 40 years of a tremendously successful career, Dr. Block is preparing to take on new adventures and step down as the President of the Hepatitis B Foundation its affiliated Baruch S. Blumberg Institute and Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center in July of 2022.
In a sentence or two, please share a positive memory or message of congratulations with Dr. Block. These messages will be shared with Dr. Block and posted here on the gala site.
"Tim, I am sorry I wont be able to be there, but let me just say this, you are one of the finest human beings I have ever known, not to mention a great scientist and advocate for HepB and many other viral diseases. One can learn a lot about humility and connecting with the "person" from Dr. Block. Enjoy your retirement, well deserved."
Chris Moore
"As your daughter, it is incredible to see how your passion translates into action. I remember you were once asked how you reacted when mom was diagnosed with hepatitis B, and you responded, “I wanted to start a foundation and find a cure.” Since then, you have worked tirelessly to build a global community dedicated to this goal and to improving the daily lives of others. I also see how you are always willing to go above and beyond for your family, friends, colleagues, and students. I’m so proud of you and feel lucky to have grown up in this community!"
Suzanne Block
"Being closely associated with a person who has inspired so many people around is a privilege. Your scientific, academic and entrepreneurial leadership on one side and your integrity, humility and sense of humor on the other has been an inspiration for me. I would like to express my profound gratitude for the invaluable experience, opportunities, guidance and support you provided. I look forward to continuing working with you to promote the scientific activity we started together. Wishing you more academic laurels and good health!"
Aejaz Sayeed
"Dr. Block is a wonderful role model - he is dedicated and passionate, and is always thinking of ways to improve the lives of others. Congratulations on an incredible career!"
Christina Chien
"Congratulations, Dr. Block! You are an inspiration and your work has had such a profound impact on such an important issue. You should be very proud!"
Beatrice Zovich
"After a successful 40 years of your effort to manage this foundation, it is time to enjoy your retirement and enjoy your life. I wish you a prosperous retired life."
Adnan Srouji
"Thank you for creating an amazing and supportive environment for students, researchers and staff to learn and grow. You have truly left your mark on so many and made a real difference in the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer. Working with you and for you has been a great privilege and inspiration. Wishing you all the best in your next chapter!"
Catherine Freeland
"Dear Tim, You have established a lasting legacy and an impressive list of accomplishments over your long career. Many have called you a mentor, a teacher, a scholar and an entrepreneur, but I am happy to call you a friend. I expect that your retirement will be as energetic and meaningful as your career has been.
All the best wishes."
Michael Sofia
"Congratulations for your work supporting and contributing to the science world."
Jose Pardo
"Congratulations for all the outstanding work and achievements you have made in HBV cure research. Your vision to reach the infected people worldwide has been a guidance for the whole community. I will keep the nice memories when you were attending the Tuesday lab meetings at Fox Chase Cancer Center to get initiated in HBV molecular biology. This was 30 years ago already...
With warmest regards from Lyon, and hope we keep in touch"
Fabien Zoulim
"Supporting Dr. Block and the Hepatitis B Foundation over the years with public relations, marketing and other communications support has been our privilege here at Furia Rubel. I always knew that when Tim stepped up to the microphone, his words would make a profound impact, because his passion and integrity always shone through. Congratulations on a stellar career, and best wishes for whatever interesting adventures lie ahead!"
Sarah Larson
"Dear Dr. Block- The enterprise that you've built here, with Joan, is truly amazing. Our three organizations provide tremendously valuable services to people living with hepatitis B, the public health and provider communities, scientists in associated fields and beyond! The people who work for our organizations are wonderfully dedicated, smart and connected are tremendous professionals. The culture is excellent, which is a direct result of your collegial and supportive leadership style. Personally, this is the best place I've ever worked! Thank you for all that you've done, and still are doing."
With great admiration,
Ed Tate
"Congrats on your retirement. I am so grateful for the time I spent working with you at the helm. I have always admired your leadership skills and how you managed to blend many different personalities into a coherent and successful team. And you did it with humility, fairness, and a great sense of humor. Thank you!"
Peggy Farley
"I’m infinitely grateful to Timothy M. Block, PhD for his laser focus not only on this incredibly complex and clever virus, but his generosity of spirit and willingness to share his wisdom with politicians, patrons, practitioners and patients. Timothy and Joan literally saved my life, not only with hard data and helpful information, but compassion, empathy and love. It fills my heart to reminisce about their decades-long, hand-in-hand commitment to finding answers. Thank you!"
William Finley Green
"Tim, thank you for being such an incredible leader. You have made a tremendous difference in the world during my short time here, I cannot wait to hear about your accomplishments in your next endeavor. You are an inspiration to us all!"
Megan Pierce
"Huge congratulations Dr. Block! Thank you for your leadership and amazing contribution and for your tireless effort for HBV research. You had an outstanding career and It has been a great privilege to work alongside you. Best wishes for your future endeavor."
Biplav Shrestha
"Lots of people have big dreams, but few actually have the vision, intelligence, and perseverance to make those dreams come true. Tim Block is one of those remarkable people. His passion for his work and for the people whom it benefits is inspirational. I'm fairly certain that Tim's definition of "retirement" will look very different from the norm, and I have no doubt that he will continue to shine in the scientific community. Tim, I won't be looking for you on the golf course or on the pickle ball court, but I do hope that some relaxation, a slightly slower pace, and more time to enjoy your spectacular family will be on the agenda for this next chapter of your life!"
Margaret Keenan
"I can't forget how supportive you were in my entrepreneurial journey. You helped me to relocate my company from Chicago in 2003 soon after your purchased this facility and proud to be the first company to operate from this building prior to the construction.
Wish you and Joan a happy and healthy retirement life."
Best Regards
Manohar Katakam
"Thanks for many years of visionary leadership of the Hepatitis B Foundation. The combination of scientific creativity and inspired advocacy that you embody has helped transform the landscape of drug therapy for hepatitis B and of biomarkers for improved surveillance for liver cancer. The strong bent of the Foundation towards community engagement and translational science is generating a groundswell of support worldwide towards the elimination of viral hepatitis, particularly in the most vulnerable communities. We wish you all the best in retirement and look forward to more results of the many initiatives you have started through the Foundation in the years to come."
With warm regards,
Lewis Roberts
"We cannot thank you enough for the great work you and Joan have done for hepatitis B and patients with HBV infection. Your dedicated work for HBV will be appreciated for years to come"
Best wishes,
Hie-Won and Richard Hann
"Retirement is over-rated and I can not see you being happy gardening and playing golf! However, I am sure you will find lots to do to use your unique skills. You are leaving an amazing legacy: a thriving research center, untangled from previous awkward university affiliations, which has contributed significantly to what should be effective treatments for Hepatitis B, a wonderful advocacy and educational organization for those with Hepatitis B and a thriving biotech center with a gleaming new building. Whatever you choose to do next I am sure you will continue to contribute to global health and disease elimination. Good luck. "
Tony Ford-Hutchinson
"You have given great opportunities to me and many people. I have always admired your visions and your ability to make them into reality; constantly adding new chapters in your life. Wish you the best... even though you're the one I imagined that will never really retire!!"
Hoi Michael Cheung
"Tim has done wonders for the HBV field and HBV patients. His vision and drive resulted in a thriving patient-centered Foundation, a vibrant HBV research institute, and a productive bioincubator. We owe Tim and his wonderful partner Joan an enormous THANK YOU."
John Tavis
"Dr. Block, you have truly inspired a generation. Congrats on your amazing scientific and educational career."
Liudi Tang
"Dear Dr. Block (Tim), What a pleasure it has been to work with you and Joan for so many years. You are visionaries who have left the world a safer place than how you found it. Thank you for your incredible work, research, enthusiasm, sense of humor, and all that you have done in Hepatitis B and liver cancer research. The PA Biotech Center would not exist if it weren't for you, Joan, and all who have supported and believed in you along the way. I wish you a healthy and happy retirement as the foundation and biotech center will surely thrive under the leadership you have mentored to carry out your legacy. God bless."
Gina Rubel
"I have been a fan of Dr. Block's since we were colleagues at Jefferson Medical College in the 1980s. His work to bring Hepatitis B to the forefront has been extraordinary and has led the enormous progress in the field. The Hepatitis B Foundation is his shining legacy."
Lawrence Friedman
"It's been great to see the progress of the Foundation I wish Tim and Joan success in their next venture."
Richard Rosenberger
"Tim- Thank you for allowing us to stand on your shoulders. Your vision and inspiration set the stage for the Hepatitis B Foundation and Blumberg Institute to see further, towards a future free of hepatitis B."
Chari, Paul and Marissa Cohen
"Tim and Joan: Congratulations on all the great work over the last 30 years. Setting up the Hepatitis B Foundation for public outreach and establishing the Blumberg Institute were amazing accomplishments. You should be proud and satisfied with all you’ve done. On the other hands, what’s with this retirement thing? Hope it's lots of fun though."
Bill Mason
"I can’t believe it has been 19 years since I met you and Joan. So much has happened since then. You’ve been like family to me and my children. You have achieved so much professionally, but I honestly believe that it is only because of how much you have achieved on a personal level and the warmth and caring you bring to the people you work with every day.
Wishing you nothing but the very best and continued success in everything you do. This isn’t an ending but a new beginning. Enjoy it."
Joel Rosen
"I was very fortunate to have met Tim when I did in my career. Coming to the Hepatitis B Foundation was one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve learned so much from Tim and greatly appreciate his support, guidance, and wisdom. Tim has impacted many lives during his career and I count myself among that lucky group."
Lou Kassa
"It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work for you, Dr. Block. The warmth with which you treat every relationship, the "why not" attitude, and the fearless determination… there is so much to admire and emulate. If you've rubbed off on me in even the smallest way, it will have made me a much better person. Cheers to an extraordinary career!"
Jean Holmes
"I have had the pleasure of working with Tim and Joan Block for over two decades. The Hepatitis B Foundation, begun by Tim and Joan has been at the forefront of hepatitis B research, education, health policy advocacy, public health prevention, and advancing human rights for those living with hepatitis B! Joan retired first, but Tim has kept on going to improve the lives of those living with Hepatitis B. He is a warrior and a partner on the B front. I will miss him dearly, when he is no longer in this role. We had a saying on the Gilead team that developed Hepsera, " We are the B Team, Doing A work." Tim has been on the B team, along with Joan, and friends and colleagues across the nation and the world, doing A+ work!"
Carol Brosgart
"The world became a better place for millions of people when Tim Block, an accomplished virologist, decided to devote his boundless energies to ameliorating the global scourge of HBV infection. Tim & Joan Block's Foundation-building efforts are having global impact!"
Nathaniel Brown, MD
"Dear Tim, Hard to imagine all these years have past since Kathy and I first met you and Joan back in 1989 in Oxford, England during your sabbatical. The HepB Foundation, Blumberg Institute and Pa Biotech Center were just a "gleam in your eye" then. I am in awe of what you have accomplished, and thankful to be your friend."
Best wishes,
Gary and Kathy Jacob
"Thank you for all you've contributed to the hepatitis B community."
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We believe that nobody should die from hepatitis B. Your gift will help the Hepatitis B Foundation fulfill its mission to find a cure and improve the lives of those affected worldwide through research, education, public health and patient advocacy. Your donation will be put to work right away towards targeted outreach and research.